

septembre 02, 2014

The Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec (CRIAQ) that launched its 100 project this year, organized its Gala in last April, where the projects funded by CRIAQ were presented using posters and films,, most of them were done b..

Bell Helicopter Textron Canada: coupera plus de 200 emplois à Mirabel.

août 28, 2014

Voici la communication qui a été acheminée aux employés de Bell Helicopter Textron Canada de Mirabel, le mercredi 27 aout 2014. Comme vous le savez tous, 2014 a été une année difficile pour Bell Helicopter. L’importante réduction des liv..

Successful test-flights for Israel Aerospace Industries’ B767 Tanker using an advanced Fly-by-Wire (FBW) boom system.

août 28, 2014

Press Release August 26th, 2014- Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) recently performed successful test-flights on a B767-300ER aircraft, equipped with an advanced Fly-by-Wire (FBW) boom system. The new added FBW boom capability, for this specific t..

Bell Helicopter Breaks Ground on New Bell Helicopter Lafayette Aircraft Assembly Facility.

août 28, 2014

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Groundbreaking advances the company towards production and delivery of its eagerly-awaited Bell 505 aircraft. Lafayette, Louisiana – August 27, 2014 - Bell Helicopter commenced construction of its facility in Lafayette, LA..

Bombardier livre son premier avion Q400 NextGen de 86 places à Nok Air de Bangkok.

août 28, 2014

Marketwired Bombardier Aéronautique TSX: BBD.A TSX: BBD.B OTCQX: BDRBF Le 27 août 2014 Le plus important transporteur à bas prix de Thaïlande est l'exploitant de lancement de l'avion de ligne Q400 NextGen à capacité assise suppléme..

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