DETAILS: OEM Milestones: ·      Boeing FlightServicesTrainingCenter inShanghaireceivesLevel Dqualification for China’s first-ever737 MAX full flightsimulator ·      Boeing FlightServicesTra..
Tuesday 15th January 2019 –  C3P, Polynesian Center of Piloting Improvement, located in the heart of the South Pacific in Tahiti, has been using an Alsim simulator since 2012. As part of the introduction of their new professional pilot trainin..
MONTRÉAL, 16 janv. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (NYSE : CAE; TSX : CAE) – CAE a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement du programme d’accompagnement et de bourses CAE Tech : Programme ta carrière!, démontrant ainsi son engagement à l’égard de lâ..
Mobile, 16 January 2019 – Airbus’ manufacturing growth in the United States advanced another step today in Mobile, Alabama, as construction of the company’s A220 Manufacturing Facility officially launched with a groundbreaking ceremony. The ass..
CAE is awarding five full scholarships worth a total of up to C$ 1 million Aeromexico, AirAsia, CityJet, easyJet and a fifth operator to mentor the program CAE Women in Flight scholarship program is now open for applications at