Propulsion – Info Aéro Québec Toutes les nouvelles et l'Information aéronautique à un seul endroit. Articles, Éditoriaux, chroniques et communiqués de presse couvrant l'actualité. Sun, 10 Nov 2019 02:21:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Liebherr-Aerospace to Provide Pneumatic Valves for New Rolls-Royce Business Jet Engine Sun, 10 Nov 2019 02:21:13 +0000 November 2019 – Liebherr-Aerospace has been selected to supply the pneumatic component package for Rolls-Royce’s next-generation business jet engine Pearl 700Both the pneumatic valves and the actuation devices that control pneumatic power around the engine have been designed, are manufactured and serviced by Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS, Toulouse (France).

Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS provides Rolls-Royce with lightweight, high-reliability valves and actuation devices that match the requirements of the Pearl 700 engine program, the most powerful in the Rolls-Royce business jet propulsion portfolio.The Pearl 700 is the latest member of Rolls-Royce’s Pearl® engine family and the exclusive power plant for the new Gulfstream G700.

The new contract is another important step in the relationship between Rolls-Royce and Liebherr-Aerospace: In 2015, both companies established a 50:50 joint venturecalled Aerospace Transmission Technologies GmbH. It is based in Friedrichshafen (Germany) and develops manufacturing capability and capacity for the power gearbox for Rolls-Royce’s new UltraFan™ engine. 

In addition, the engine manufacturer has selected Liebherr-Aerospace to supply apneumatic valve for the Trent 7000 engine.  

Liebherr’s worldwide center of excellence for air management systems in Toulouse can rely on extensive experience in the development, manufacture, integration and service of engine bleed-air valves and nacelle pneumatic valves.

Liebherr-Aerospace is a leading supplier of systems for the aviation industry 

Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS, Toulouse (France), is one of elevendivisional control companies within the Liebherr Group and coordinates all activities in the aerospace and transportation systems sectors.

Liebherr-Aerospace is a leading supplier of systems for the aviation industry and has more than five decades of experience in this field. The range of aviation equipment produced by Liebherr for the civil and military sectors includes flight control and actuation systems, landing gear and air management systems, gears and gearboxesas well as electronics. These systems are deployed in wide-bodied aircraft, single aisle and regional aircraft, business jets, combat aircraft, military transporters, military training aircraft, civil and combat helicopters.

Liebherr’s aerospace and transportation systems division employs around 5,800people. It has four aviation equipment production plants at Lindenberg (Germany), Toulouse (France), Guaratinguetá (Brazil) and Nizhny Novgorod (Russia). These production sites offer a worldwide service with additional customer service centers in Saline (Michigan/USA), Seattle (Washington/USA), Montreal (Canada), Hamburg (Germany), Moscow (Russia), Dubai (UAE), Bangalore (India), Singapore and Shanghai (People’s Republic of China).



Assembly of the Pearl 700 engine at Rolls-Royce – © Rolls-Royce plc 2019

Pratt & Whitney to Open New PT6A and PW200 Engine Overhaul Centre in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mon, 19 Aug 2019 19:09:51 +0000 SÃO PAULO, August 13, 2019 – Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX), is pleased to announce that it is collaborating with Indύstria de Aviação e Serviços (IAS) to open a new overhaul facility in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, for PT6A and PW200 engines.

“With the opening of the new facility in Belo Horizonte, our customers can benefit from faster and more cost-effective engine overhaul services,” said Satheeshkumar Kumarasingham, vice president of Customer Service at Pratt & Whitney. “With a large population of Pratt & Whitney powered aircraft in Brazil, we are continuing to invest in the country to best meet our customers’ needs.”

Pratt & Whitney has operated in Brazil for more than 75 years and remains the country’s leading supplier of General Aviation engines. The company also powers a large number of the nation’s aircraft for government, commercial and business use. This experience gives Pratt & Whitney’s local team the unique insight and ability to personalize services and solutions to meet customers’ needs.

“We’re excited to be working with Pratt & Whitney on this new overhaul shop,” said Ronaldo Aldrin, chief executive officer at IAS. “The PT6A and PW200 engine families power more than 1,300 aircraft in Brazil. We’re looking forward to collaborating with Pratt & Whitney to serve customers even better.”

This new facility builds on an existing service network in the country including Sorocaba, a hot section inspection and parts distribution center. More recently, three sites joined the Pratt & Whitney designated maintenance facilities network in Brazil – more than in any other country – for the line maintenance and mobile repair of PT6A and helicopter engines. ABA Manutenção de Aeronaves in Barreiras serves the needs of agricultural operators, Rico Táxi Aéreo in Manaus serves PT6A general aviation operators and Helipark Manutenção in São Paulo services several Pratt & Whitney helicopter engines.

The company expects the Belo Horizonte facility to be operational by the end of 2019.

Come meet the local Pratt & Whitney team during LABACE, at booth 3001.

Blackhawk signe une entente à long terme pour la fourniture de moteurs PT6A de Pratt & Whitney Mon, 29 Jul 2019 15:15:50 +0000 OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN, 23 juillet 2019 – Pratt & Whitney, filiale d’United Technologies Corp. (NYSE : UTX), vient d’annoncer la signature d’une entente de 10 ans pour la vente de nouveaux moteurs PT6A à Blackhawk Modifications Inc., dans le cadre de ses programmes de mise à niveau.

« Blackhawk s’est forgée une solide réputation auprès de ses clients en matière de solutions de mise à niveau à valeur ajoutée, affirme Irene Makris, vice-présidente, Ventes et marketing chez Pratt & Whitney. Cette entente témoigne du succès de notre partenariat et de notre engagement mutuel envers l’excellence et l’innovation. Nous avons livré à Blackhawk plus de 1 500 moteurs PT6A au cours des 20 dernières années. Nous sommes fiers que Blackhawk ait décidé de faire du PT6A son moteur de choix. »

Blackhawk dispose de certificats de type supplémentaire pour divers appareils propulsés par des moteurs Pratt & Whitney. L’entente pour la fourniture de moteurs concerne un certain nombre de variantes du PT6A propulsant une variété d’appareils Cheyenne, King Air, Conquest et Caravan.

« Nous savons que le succès de nos clients repose sur notre capacité à intégrer intelligemment, dans tous les aspects que nous touchons, des technologies innovantes mais éprouvées. Le PT6A est l’un des moteurs les plus polyvalents de l’industrie, et nous en concevons de nouvelles versions plus évoluées afin de procéder sans heurts à la mise à niveau des moteurs sur les appareils en service, ajoute Mme. Makris. Si les nouveaux moteurs sont dotés de la même technologie numérique et possèdent les mêmes dimensions que les modèles précédents, ils offrent une puissance et une efficacité énergétique accrues. »

Plus de 48 800 moteurs PT6A ont été fabriqués à ce jour, et la famille de moteurs PT6A compte à son actif plus de 400 000 000 heures de vol. Le PT6A constitue le choix tout indiqué pour les applications à haute puissance et à cycles intenses dans un aéronef monomoteur ou bimoteur, et ce, pour tous types de missions.

À propos de Pratt & Whitney
Pratt & Whitney est un chef de file mondial en conception, en fabrication et en entretien de moteurs et de groupes auxiliaires de puissance destinés aux avions et aux hélicoptères. United Technologies Corp., sise à Farmington, au Connecticut, fournit des systèmes et services de haute technologie aux secteurs du bâtiment et de l’aérospatiale. Pour en savoir plus sur UTC, visitez le site Web (en anglais) ou suivez la société sur Twitter : @UTC. Pour recevoir directement des communiqués de presse et autres nouvelles, veuillez-vous abonner ici.

·         More than 33,400 CFM56 engines delivered to date
WEST CHESTER, Ohio — 4 June 2019 — On April 24, 1982, the first-ever airplane powered by CFM56 engines, a Delta Air Lines DC-8-71 powered by the CFM56-2, took to the skies. In the years after that, CFM International would go on to add seven additional engine models that, today, power more than 20 different commercial and military aircraft types for more than 600 operators across the globe.

Recently, the CFM56 fleet established a new world record by becoming the first aircraft engine family in aviation history to achieve one billion engine flight hours.

“We are obviously very proud that our engines have reached this historic milestone,” said Gaël Méheust, president and CEO of CFM International. “But we only built the engines. The credit for this remarkable achievement goes to our customers who put their trust in us, operating our engines day in and day out.”

“On behalf of the CFM Team worldwide, all I can say is ‘Thanks a Billion’ to each and every one of them.”

Gaël Méheust

This milestone also represents the fastest accumulation on hours ever; the fleet reached 500 million hours in November 2010 and more than doubled that total in just over eight years.

To help put this achievement into perspective …

·         One billion hours equates to nearly 115,000 years.

·         CFM56 engines have carried more than 35 billion people. That’s like flying the world’s entire population of seven billion people five times over.

·         The fleet has flown more than 200 billion miles. That equates to flying around the world more than eight million times.  Or flying to Pluto and back 20 times.  It’s more than 400,000 round trips to the moon.

Since the first engines were delivered some 37 years ago, CFM has established a reputation for world-class customer and product support. There are more than 250 technical service representatives on-site with airlines in more than 50 countries, and more than 40 maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) provider facilities around the world.

CFM provides 24-hour support for Aircraft on Ground (AOG) issues, spare parts and spare engine requirements, and technical assistance, while our Technical Training facilities in the U.S., France, China and India provide comprehensive, hands-on and digital maintenance training for all engine models.

John Saabas Announces Retirement; Maria Della Posta Named President, Pratt & Whitney Canada Sat, 11 May 2019 11:59:34 +0000

LONGUEUIL, Quebec, May 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX), today announced the appointment of Maria Della Posta as president of Pratt & Whitney Canada, effective June 1 and reporting to Pratt & Whitney President Bob Leduc. Della Posta succeeds John Saabas as president, Pratt & Whitney Canada, who has announced his retirement.

Maria Della Posta succeeds John Saabas as President, Pratt & Whitney Canada.

Pratt & Whitney Canada has a leadership position in all of its markets, with a portfolio of more than 64,000 engines in service and 13,000 customers worldwide,” said Bob Leduc, President, Pratt & Whitney. “Maria has been instrumental in building Pratt & Whitney Canada’s portfolio throughout her career.  Maria brings extensive experience and a deep understanding of our customers and the markets in which we operate. As leader of Pratt & Whitney Canada’s global business, I am confident that Maria will continue to drive sustainable growth and deliver exceptional customer service while maximizing operational performance worldwide. I wish to thank John for his outstanding contribution to Pratt & Whitney.”

Della Posta joined Pratt & Whitney in 1985 and progressed through roles of increasing leadership in Supply Chain, Finance and Customer Service. She was named vice president, Customer Support in 2001, senior vice president, Sales and Marketing in 2010 and senior vice president, Pratt & Whitney Canada in 2012.

Les programmes d’entretien et de garantie de moteurs de Pratt & Whitney destinés au segment des hélicoptères font peau neuve Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:13:16 +0000 ATLANTA, 4 mars 2019 – Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), une filiale d’United Technologies Corp. (NYSE : UTX), vient d’annoncer plusieurs améliorations et des options ajoutées à ses programmes d’entretien et de garantie de moteurs destinés aux exploitants d’hélicoptères. Ces nouveautés comprennent le programme de certification de moteurs usagés (CPO), le programme d’entretien Eagle (ESPMC) pour les propriétaires d’un seul appareil, ainsi qu’un nouveau programme d’entretien de flotte (FSP) réservé aux petites flottes d’hélicoptères.

« Nous développons sans cesse des services innovants pour nos clients, soutient Irene Makris, vice-présidente, Ventes et marketing, Pratt & Whitney Canada. La surveillance des tendances et la compréhension des enjeux propres à chaque client nous ont permis de mettre au point des solutions de plus en plus personnalisées et sans égales au sein de notre industrie. »


CPO : garantie prolongée de 2 ans ou de 500 heures de vol pour les moteurs d’hélicoptères d’occasion

Dans le cadre du programme CPO, les moteurs PT6B, PT6C, PT6T, PW200 et PW210 qui ont fait l’objet d’une vérification minutieuse à des fins de certification sont admissibles à une garantie de 500 heures ou de deux ans, selon le premier des termes échus. Pour les acheteurs et les vendeurs d’hélicoptères d’occasion, la garantie et le recours à des pièces d’origine et à de la main-d’œuvre de P&WC sont synonymes de tranquillité d’esprit. Pour les concessionnaires, le programme se traduit par un accroissement de la valeur des appareils usagés propulsés par des moteurs P&WC, ce qui peut faciliter le processus de vente. Si vous souhaitez obtenir un aperçu de la valeur que génère le programme CPO, consultez Airtime, le blogue consacré au service client de P&WC.


FSP : une couverture flexible pour les flottes de cinq hélicoptères et moins

P&WC a également annoncé avoir vendu son premier programme d’entretien de flotte (FSP) à un client de la région du Pacifique Sud. Ce nouveau programme d’entretien payable à l’heure est adapté aux flottes de cinq hélicoptères et moins équipés de moteurs PT6C, PW200 et PW210. Le programme inclut la couverture des dommages causés par les conditions ambiantes et trois forfaits optionnels comprenant la protection des pièces, le remplacement des pièces à durée de vie limitée, ainsi que la location de moteurs. Cette nouvelle offre s’ajoute à deux programmes déjà en vigueur : le programme d’entretien Eagle pour les exploitants d’un seul appareil et le programme de gestion de flotte (FMPMC) pour les exploitants de flottes d’envergure.

« Le programme d’entretien de flotte (FSP) comble une lacune au sein du marché, explique Mme Makris. En associant la simplicité du programme Eagle à celle du programme de gestion de flotte, nous diversifions l’offre de services, quelle que soit la taille de la flotte des clients. »


Nouvelle option du programme ESP : remplacement d’un moteur PW200 ou PT6C par un moteur neuf lors d’une révision

Les exploitants dont les moteurs PW200 et PT6C-67C sont toujours en production, inscrits au programme ESP et sur le point d’être révisés peuvent, pour une période limitée, décider de transférer leur investissement réalisé dans le cadre du programme ESP à un moteur neuf. Grâce à cette option, les exploitants profitent des plus récentes capacités de configuration et de performance, d’une valeur résiduelle et d’une disponibilité technique accrues de l’appareil, ainsi que de la réduction des coûts d’exploitation associés à un moteur neuf.

Safran Helicopter Engines – Safran partners with CHC Helicopter for Arriel engine support Sun, 10 Mar 2019 03:21:03 +0000

5 March 2019, HAI Heli-Expo, Atlanta

Safran Helicopter Engines and CHC Helicopter signed a four-year MRO support contract. This contract formalizes a Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul and standard exchanges agreement supporting Arriel 1S, 2S1 and 2S2 engines for CHC’s S-76 fleet and Arriel 2C powering the AS365 Dauphin. Roughly 70 engines are covered by the agreement.

“Our partnership will allow us to best support the global overhaul, repair and support needs of our operation with onsite support”, said Dave Balevic, Senior Vice President of Engineering and Operations at CHC Helicopter. “This contract builds upon our existing relationship with Safran and the extension of our license for the Makila engine from our Heli-One branch in Stavanger, Norway”.

Olivier Le Merrer, Safran Helicopter Engines EVP Support and Service, said: “it is with great pride that Safran Helicopter Engines enters into this partnership with CHC Helicopters. We appreciatethe opportunity to support their S-76 and Dauphin fleets. Delivering best-in-class solutions will be a top priority for us.”

This contract will be managed by the Corporate Support department of Safran Helicopter Engines. CHC engines will be repaired at centers in Tarnos (France), Grand Prairie (United States) and Xerem (Brasil).

For more than 70 years, CHC Helicopter has provided safe, reliable, cost-effective helicopterservice in some of the most remote and challenging environments around the world. With extensive experience transporting customers in the oil and gas industry, supporting search-and-rescue and EMS contracts, and providing maintenance, repair and overhaul services, our dedication to safety and reputation for quality and innovation help customers reach beyond what they thought possible. Visit for information.

MD HELICOPTERS INTRODUCES THE MD 969 COMBAT AIRCRAFT AT HAI HELI-EXPO 2019 Sun, 10 Mar 2019 03:16:59 +0000 Mesa, Ariz., March 5, 2019 MD Helicopters, Inc.(MDHI) is proud to debut the MD 969 Combat Attack Helicopter at HAI Heli-Expo 2019. The MD 969 represents the next evolution of MDHI’s iconic MD 900/902 series helicopters. Displayed at the MDHI booth, C1228, in a weaponized configuration the MD 969 Combat Helicopter represents the future assault and attack capabilities of this proven and powerful light twin-engine aircraft.

“The MD 969 will deliver a new level of multi- mission capabilities for military operators,” said

Lynn Tilton, Chief Executive Officer for MD Helicopters, Inc. “As the premier light twin-engine helicopter in their class, MD 900-series aircraft deliver excellent maneuverability, unmatched safety, and impressive endurance to support a wide range of operations. Enhancements delivered in the MD 969 will further solidify this elegant aircraft as the definitive choice for an ever-expanding range of military and paramilitary operations.”

Glass Cockpit

The Genesys Aerosystems Advanced IDU-680 integrated all-glass cockpit is a highly capable and customizable next generation glass cockpit solution that is also the avionics system of choice for MD Helicopters’ MD 530G Attack Helicopters. The MD 969 open architecture cockpit features:

Three Genesys Aerosystems IDU-680s
o These all glass primary displays offer 100% digital, open architecture for aircraft- independent installation and are field-upgradeable to add new functionality without replacing hardware components.
A 12” Macro-Blue Tactical Display
o Rugged, high definition construction engineered to meet DO-160 environmental and MIL- standards for contrast, sunlight readability, anti-reflective glass and NVIS Radiance.

“I am excited to deliver the innovative, leap-ahead capabilities of the Genesys glass cockpit system to our MD 902 and MD 969 operators,” Tilton continues. “This evergreen open architecture solution will provide enhanced accessibility to critical data for operators all across the globe.”





The Genesys systems delivers on-demand access to Automatic or Manual Revisionary Modes, 3D Synthetic Vision, Geo-Referenced Hover Vector, Night Vision A&B Capabilities, Weather Radar Integration, Integrated ADS-B Traffic Display, Engine Instrument Crew Advisory System (EICAS), Flight Data Recording, Graphical FMS/VHF Navigation, an internal radio, and moving maps.

Expanded Multi-Mission Capabilities

In addition to advanced avionics, the MD 969 Combat Helicopter also features a proprietary, MDHI- designed integrated composite weapons plank that allows for greater operational flexibility and expanded mission capabilities. The integrated plank allows for up to 6-station, fixed-forward weapons installation while maintaining unimpeded, full-cabin access to support simultaneous forward fire, crew-served weapons, and personnel transport missions.

The up-to-8-seat MD 969 Combat Helicopter is single-pilot IFR certified, and safely and effectively executes a broad range of military, para-military and utility missions including Fast Attack, Combat Search & Rescue, CASEVAC/MEDEVAC, Command & Control, and Personnel Transport.

Projected Performance Profile

The MD 969 will boast an impressive baseline performance profile featuring:

6,770 lbs. MGTOW
o 3,395 lbs. Useful Load
o HIGE – 10,650 ft.
o HOGE – 8,870 ft.
422 m Range
4.3 hrs. Endurance
Crew & Passengers – 2 + 6 Internal
Cruise Speed – 160 kts.*
o Max Dash – 180 kts.*

*With Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) Performance Improvements


“As we continue to develop the MD 969 for our military customers, and prepare for development of future attack and reconnaissance aircraft, we have a roadmap that significantly expands the performance envelop for the MD 969, creating a foundation for other future twin-engine development efforts,” Tilton concluded.

MD Helicopters anticipates Type Certification for the Genesys Aerosystems glass cockpit by the end of Q4 2019.

Visitors to HAI Heli-Expo 2019 can stop in and see the new MD 969 Combat Helicopter at the MD Helicopters booth, C1228, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, March 5 – 7, 2019.

VIDEO ASSETS: For a short video featuring the MD 969 Combat aircraft, please click here.

MD HELICOPTERS TO FEATURE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY MD 530F AND A COMBAT-CONFIGURED MD 969 AT HAI HELI-EXPO 2019 Sun, 10 Mar 2019 03:14:54 +0000 TVA’s utility MD 530F and a militarized variant of the MD 969, both with all new, all glass cockpits, are representative of MDHI’s commitment to continuous advancement in both form and function


Mesa, Ariz., March 5, 2019 – MD Helicopters’ booth, C1228, at the 2019 HAI Heli-Expo in Atlanta, Georgia, reflects the company’s commitment to manufacturing and delivering the most effective and efficient single-engine and light twin-engine helicopters available. At the 2019 HAI Heli-Expo, MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI) will proudly display two of its most iconic helicopter models, the MD 530F and the MD 969, an upgraded variant of the proven MD 900/902 Explorer series. Each of these aircraft features an advanced all-glass cockpit, combining engineering and manufacturing excellence with next-generation technology and a design aesthetic that is both functional and beautiful.

“I am proud and honored to display these two beautiful aircraft at Heli-Expo,” said Lynn Tilton, Chief Executive Officer of MD Helicopters. “The proven and powerful MD 530F and the next generation MD 969 Combat Helicopter are emblematic of the MD Helicopters brand, and exemplify my team’s commitment to delivering technologically advanced aircraft that are unmatched in design aesthetic and performance.”

Feature Aircraft Displays

The cornerstones of MDHI’s HAI booth will be a new MD 530F, currently operated by Tennessee Valley Authority, and a combat-configured MD 969 Explorer. Both aircraft feature advanced all-glass cockpits.

Tennessee Valley Authority MD 530F

This recently delivered MD 530F is the third F-Model to join the TVA fleet. Welcomed in September 2018, the MD 530F is used to support powerline utility, inspection, and construction operations throughout TVA’s multi-state service area.

“The multi-mission capability of the MD 530F is one of the hallmark features of this iconic airframe,” Tilton continues. “We are excited to feature this beautiful aircraft in our booth this year as a celebration of our valued Utilities operators worldwide.”

MD 969 Combat Helicopter

The MD 969 represents the next evolution of MDHI’s MD 900/902 series aircraft and is featured in the MDHI booth this year in a weaponized configuration, depicting the future assault and attack capabilities of this light twin-engine airframe.

Anchored by an all-glass cockpit built on the Genesys Aerosystems’ next-generation Integrated Display Units (IDUs) along with a Macro-Blue tactical display for weapons and mission management, the up-to-8-




seat MD 969 Combat Helicopter is single-pilot IFR certified, and safely and effectively executes a broad range of military, paramilitary and utility missions including Fast Attack, Combat Search &

Rescue, CASEVAC/MEDEVAC, Command & Control, and Personnel Transport.

“I remain inspired by the capability enhancements delivered by the Genesys Aerosystems Display Units,” commented Tilton. “We are excited about the advanced systems and improved capabilities this open architecture system delivers, and we look forward to expanding its use within both our MD 969 and MD 530G Attack Helicopter platforms.”

In addition to advanced avionics, the MD 969 Combat Helicopter also features a proprietary, MDHI- designed integrated composite weapons plank that allows for up to 6-station, fixed-forward weapons operation and unimpeded cabin access to support simultaneous forward fire, crew-served weapons, and personnel transport capabilities.

“MD Helicopters is proud of our diverse customer base and growing number of military and paramilitary operators worldwide,” continues Tilton. “The MD 969 Combat Helicopter will deliver a new level of multi- mission capabilities, and provide the foundation for worldwide future attack and reconnaissance airborne operations.”

Aftermarket and Customer Support Programs

At the 2019 show, MD Helicopters will also provide additional updates on its Aftermarket and Customer Support operations, including continued enhancements to its innovative customer portal.

Operators interested in learning more about and other Customer Support programs can attend an interactive Information session at the MDHI Booth on Tuesday, March 5 at 1:30pm.

“As always, I am incredibly proud of my team and our accomplishments,” Tilton concludes. “We remain united in purpose, focused on growth, and committed to delivering next generation aircraft to an ever- expanding family of global operators.”

To learn more, stop by the MDHI booth, #C1228, during the annual HAI Heli-Expo at the Georgia World Congress Center, in Atlanta, Georgia, March 5 – March 7, 2019

VIDEO ASSETS: For a short video featuring the MD 969 Combat aircraft, please click here. For a short video depicting the Tennessee Valley Authority helicopter in action, click here.

]]> Embry-Riddle Student Receive Generous Scholarship from MD Helicopters Sun, 10 Mar 2019 03:11:40 +0000 PRESCOTT, AZ & Atlanta, GA – Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott Campus student Cooper Largent has been awarded the 2019 MD 500 Transition Training Scholarship by MD Helicopters, Inc. This unique training opportunity has value of approximately $12,000.

The MD 500 is an advanced, turbine-powered helicopter that most students are not yet qualified to fly. The week-long, one-on-one training course is held at the MD Helicopters global headquarters and production facility in Mesa, Arizona. There, students learn helicopter systems, emergency procedures and how to fly the aircraft.

“I am so incredibly thankful to be chosen as the recipient of the 2019 MD 500 transition training scholarship,” said Cooper Largent. “It is truly an honor and a unique opportunity to have the chance to work with some of the industry’s best pilots in an amazing aircraft. This scholarship will help propel my long term aviation goals of flying MD helicopters in Alaska before returning to fight fires in the western U.S. I would like to express my gratitude to the generous team at MD Helicopters as well as all of the professors, counselors, and flight instructors that have supported me.”

In addition to a current or impending Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating, the scholarship applicants are required to maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0, have a first or second class FAA-medical certificate, and submit two letters of recommendation and a video essay explaining how the transition would help launch their career.

“MD Helicopters is an incredible and long-time supporter of the Embry-Riddle Helicopter Program through scholarships, factory visits, training materials and industry feedback,” said Dawn Groh, Embry-Riddle Assistant Professor or Helicopter Operations. “The connection and continual exchange of ideas with industry is a crucial element for our students’ success and enables us to be highly responsive in our training and curriculum to industry needs.”

“Year after year we continue to be impressed and inspired by the quality of the applications we receive for this scholarship,” said Lynn Tilton, Chief Executive Officer for MD Helicopters, Inc. “Embry-Riddle is clearly cultivating a talented, next generation of rotorcraft pilot. We are particularly proud to present this year’s award to Cooper. He is an impressive applicant with a bright future and we are honored to be part of his continuing education and future as an MD helicopter pilot.”

The scholarship award announcement will be made at 3:00pm on Wednesday, March 6, at the MD Helicopters booth, #C1228, at HAI Heli-Expo in Atlanta, Georgia.

For more information on Embry-Riddle’s Rotary Wing program, go to

For more information on MD Helicopters, Inc., go to

Media Contact: Jason Kadah, Communications Director, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Ariz.; Office (928) 777-6731;

Media Contact: Amy Romano, Marketing & Communications Director, MD Helicopters, Inc., Mesa, Ariz.; Office (480) 346-6344; .

About Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the world’s largest, fully accredited university specializing in aviation and aerospace, is a nonprofit, independent institution offering more than 80 baccalaureate, master’s and Ph.D. degree programs in its colleges of Arts & Sciences, Aviation, Business, Engineering and Security & Intelligence. Embry-Riddle educates students at residential campuses in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Prescott, Ariz.; online; and through the Worldwide Campus with more than 125 locations in the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The university is a major research center, seeking solutions to real-world problems in partnership with the aerospace industry, other universities and government agencies.

For more information, visit, follow us on Twitter (@EmbryRiddle) and, and find expert videos at For more about the Prescott Campus, follow on Twitter at @ERAU_Prescott and at

About MD Helicopters, Inc.

MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI), a Lynn Tilton company, is a leading manufacturer of commercial, military, law enforcement and air-rescue helicopters. The MDHI family of rotorcraft is world renowned for its value, versatility and performance, and includes the twin-engine MD 902 Explorer, and single engine versions of the MD 600N, MD 520N, MD 500E, MD 530F and MD 530G. The innovative NOTAR® system for anti-torque control with no tail rotor – a key feature of the MD 902, MD 600N and MD 520N – is used exclusively by MD Helicopters to provide safer, quieter performance and confined-area access capability.

For more information about MDHI, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, or visit
