Posted on November 12, 2017; Bell Helicopter Press Release Bell Helicopter on Nov. 12 announced the certification of the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The Bell 505 has been certified by 11 countries ..
Press release - November, 9th 2017 - Helicopteres Guimbal announces yet another significant milestone that keeps the Cabri G2 at the front of the pack for being the most advanced and safest trainer on the market. The FAA has approved Service Bul..
Posted on November 7, 2017; AIAC Press Release The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) announced the election of Cynthia Garneau, president of Bell Helicopter Textron Canada, as chair of the AIAC Board of Directors. As c..
Posted on November 8, 2017; Bell Helicopter Press Release Bell Helicopter signed an agreement on Nov. 8 with Reignwood International Investment Group Company Ltd. under which Reignwood has agreed to purchase an additional 50 Bell 505s,..
Héroux-Devtek Inc.  Le 6 novembre 2017 LONGUEUIL, QUÉBEC--(Marketwired - 6 nov. 2017) - Ventes de 89,7 M$, comparativement à 91,6 M$ pour la période correspondante de l'exercice précédent Résultat opérationnel de 4,6 M$ e..