News Release Issued: Jan 31, 2018 (7:30am EST) CHICAGO, Jan. 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Fourth-Quarter 2017 Record operating earnings of $3.0 billion with operating cash flow of $2.9 billion on strong performance GAAP EPS of $5.18..
News Release Issued: Jan 31, 2018 (3:42pm EST) Will improve readiness and enable a common configuration PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 31, 2018 – The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey team is embarking on a modification effort with the U.S. Marine Corps that will ..
 Donauwörth, 29 January 2018 – Airbus Helicopters delivered the 1300th helicopter from the H135-family, a number underlining the multipurpose lightweight twin-engine helicopter’s worldwide success. The global fleet of ..
HELICOPTER SAFETY NEWS Jan. 10, 2018 WASHINGTON DC – The European partner of the International Helicopter Safety Team ( has updated and released a comprehensive 168-page guide for helicopter flight instructors based on extensive ..
HELICOPTER SAFETY NEWS Jan. 4, 2018 Members of the United States Helicopter Safety Team ( will be providing their safety advice for Heli-Expo participants in Las Vegas at 13 different workshops in a wide variety of topics. The ..