Hélicoptères – Info Aéro Québec https://infoaeroquebec.net Toutes les nouvelles et l'Information aéronautique à un seul endroit. Articles, Éditoriaux, chroniques et communiqués de presse couvrant l'actualité. Thu, 02 Apr 2020 18:10:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.18 COVID-19 : Boeing poursuit sa participation aux initiatives de redressement et de secours https://infoaeroquebec.net/covid-19-boeing-poursuit-sa-participation-aux-initiatives-de-redressement-et-de-secours/ Thu, 02 Apr 2020 18:10:18 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29181 Boeing continue d’apporter son soutien aux communautés où le Groupe est implanté, ainsi qu’aux héroïques professionnels de santé qui travaillent sans relâche pour mettre un terme à la pandémie de COVID-19. Plusieurs mesures supplémentaires ont été prises en vue de soutenir les efforts de redressement et de secours :

  • Boeing va utiliser ses moyens d’impression en 3D dans plusieurs usines situées aux États-Unis afin de fabriquer des masques pour ceux qui interviennent en première ligne dans la lutte contre le virus. Notre objectif de production initial porte sur plusieurs milliers de masques par semaine, avant d’augmenter successivement les cadences. Boeing dispose de machines de fabrication additive à Saint-Louis (Missouri), El Segundo (Californie), Mesa (Arizona), Huntsville (Alabama) et Philadelphie (Pennsylvanie). Ces sites seront mis à contribution dans le cadre de cette première campagne de fabrication tant qu’ils seront opérationnels, conformément aux ordonnances fédérales, étatiques et locales applicables à la santé et la sécurité des employés de Boeing.
  • Boeing a également proposé la mise à disposition de son Dreamlifter, l’un des plus gros avions Cargo au monde, dans le but de transporter les fournitures essentielles dont les professionnels de santé ont besoin en urgence. Nous collaborons étroitement avec les responsables gouvernementaux pour définir la meilleure façon d’apporter notre soutien.
  • À ce jour, Boeing a fait don de plusieurs dizaines de milliers de masques, gants de protection et autres équipements à des hôpitaux qui en avaient besoin. Par ailleurs, nous étudions d’autres moyens de mettre notre expertise en matière d’ingénierie, fabrication et logistique au service de la lutte contre le virus COVID-19.

Face à la prolifération du virus COVID-19, Boeing annonce la suspension à titre provisoire des activités de production dans la région de Seattle https://infoaeroquebec.net/face-a-la-proliferation-du-virus-covid-19-boeing-annonce-la-suspension-a-titre-provisoire-des-activites-de-production-dans-la-region-de-seattle/ Tue, 24 Mar 2020 11:07:04 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29159 Boeing met tout en œuvre pour suspendre temporairement ses activités de façon sûre et méthodique.

– Les sites du Puget Sound cesseront leurs activités à titre provisoire pendant 14 jours à compter du 25 mars.

CHICAGO, le 23 mars 2020 — Boeing [NYSE: BA]  annonce ce jour la suspension temporaire des activités de production dans ses usines du Puget Sound (autour de Seattle) en raison de l’état d’urgence proclamé dans l’État de Washington, et suite à son évaluation continue de la situation et à l’accélération de la propagation du coronavirus dans la région. Ces mesures prises dans le but d’assurer le bien-être des employés de Boeing, de leurs familles et de la communauté locale prévoient l’arrêt méthodique de la production conformément aux exigences de ses clients.

Boeing a décidé de réduire ses activités de production dès aujourd’hui et envisage leur suspension à partir du mercredi 25 mars sur les sites de la région du Puget Sound. La suspension des activités de production durera 14 jours, pendant lesquels Boeing continuera d’observer les directives du gouvernement, ainsi que les mesures concernant le virus COVID-19 et ses répercussions sur l’ensemble des opérations du Groupe. Au cours de cette période, nous procèderons à des opérations supplémentaires de nettoyage en profondeur sur les sites concernés et établirons des critères rigoureux en vue de la reprise du travail.

« Cette mesure nécessaire a pour but de protéger nos employés et les communautés où ils travaillent et vivent », a déclaré Dave Calhoun, président-directeur général de Boeing. « Nous continuons de travailler en étroite collaboration avec les autorités responsables de la santé publique, et sommes en contact avec nos clients, nos fournisseurs et tous nos partenaires concernés par cette suspension temporaire. Nous regrettons les difficultés qu’implique cette décision pour ces entreprises, ainsi que pour nos employés, mais il est vital de préserver la santé et la sécurité de tous ceux qui prennent part au développement de nos produits et services, ainsi que de contribuer à l’effort national entrepris contre la propagation du virus COVID-19. »

Les employés des sites de production sont invités à se présenter aujourd’hui à leur poste de travail ; ils recevront ultérieurement des instructions concernant leur activité dans le cadre de ce processus de suspension de l’activité.

Les employés de la région du Puget Sound qui peuvent travailler à domicile poursuivront leur activité en télétravail. Ceux qui ne peuvent pas travailler à distance recevront une indemnité pendant les 10 premiers jours ouvrables de la période de suspension — soit le double de la politique en vigueur au sein du Groupe —, ce qui permettra de couvrir la période de suspension fixée à 14 jours civils.

« Nos employés, nos clients et les partenaires de notre chaîne des fournisseurs demeurent la première de nos priorités lorsque nous évaluons l’évolution de la situation », a ajouté David Calhoun. « C’est une période sans précédent pour les entreprises et les communautés du monde entier ».

Lorsque la suspension sera levée, Boeing appliquera une approche méthodique pour relancer la production en mettant l’accent sur la sécurité, la qualité et le respect des engagements pris vis-à-vis de ses clients. Pour le secteur aéronautique, il s’agira d’une étape capitale vers la reprise.

Boeing met tout en œuvre pour minimiser les conséquences de cette suspension sur sa capacité à exécuter et soutenir ses programmes militaires et spatiaux, ainsi qu’à maintenir le niveau de préparation opérationnelle que requièrent ses clients du secteur de la défense pour accomplir leurs missions vitales. Au cours des prochains jours, Boeing travaillera en étroite collaboration avec ces clients pour élaborer des plans garantissant le soutien dont ils ont besoin tout au long de cette période. Les opérations de distribution critiques menées au bénéfice des compagnies aériennes, des clients gouvernementaux et du secteur MRO (maintenance, réparation et révision) se poursuivront.

Boeing to Hold Virtual Annual Meeting of Shareholders https://infoaeroquebec.net/boeing-to-hold-virtual-annual-meeting-of-shareholders/ Tue, 24 Mar 2020 10:55:24 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29152 CHICAGO, March 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing [NYSE: BA] will host its 2020 annual meeting of shareholders virtually due to the public health impact of the coronavirus pandemic and to prioritize the health and well-being of meeting participants.

The 2020 annual meeting of shareholders will be held in a virtual format only at 9 a.m. Central time on April 27, 2020. Shareholders will not be able to attend the 2020 annual meeting in person.

Shareholders at the close of business on the record date, February 27, 2020, are entitled to attend the annual meeting. To be admitted to the meeting at www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/BA2020, shareholders must enter the 16-digit voting control number found on their proxy card, voting instruction form, notice of internet availability of proxy materials or email previously received. Closed captioning will be provided for the duration of the virtual meeting. 

Please note that the proxy card and voting instruction form included with previously-distributed proxy materials will not be updated to reflect the change from an in-person meeting to a virtual-only meeting and may be used to vote shares in connection with the annual meeting. 

Whether or not shareholders plan to attend the virtual-only annual meeting, Boeing urges shareholders to vote and submit their proxies in advance of the meeting by one of the methods described in the proxy materials.

Boeing Announces Leadership Changes https://infoaeroquebec.net/boeing-announces-leadership-changes/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 18:05:58 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29125 David L. Calhoun Named President and CEO

Lawrence W. Kellner to Become Chairman of the Board

New Leadership to Bring Renewed Commitment to Transparency and Better Communication With Regulators and Customers in Safely Returning the 737 MAX to Service

CHICAGO, Dec. 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that its Board of Directors has named current Chairman, David L. Calhoun, as Chief Executive Officer and President, effective January 13, 2020. Mr. Calhoun will remain a member of the Board. In addition, Board member Lawrence W. Kellner will become non-executive Chairman of the Board effective immediately. 

The Company also announced that Dennis A. Muilenburg has resigned from his positions as Chief Executive Officer and Board director effective immediately. Boeing Chief Financial Officer Greg Smith will serve as interim CEO during the brief transition period, while Mr. Calhoun exits his non-Boeing commitments.

The Board of Directors decided that a change in leadership was necessary to restore confidence in the Company moving forward as it works to repair relationships with regulators, customers, and all other stakeholders. 

Under the Company’s new leadership, Boeing will operate with a renewed commitment to full transparency, including effective and proactive communication with the FAA, other global regulators and its customers. 

“On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I am pleased that Dave has agreed to lead Boeing at this critical juncture,” Mr. Kellner said.  He added, “Dave has deep industry experience and a proven track record of strong leadership, and he recognizes the challenges we must confront. The Board and I look forward to working with him and the rest of the Boeing team to ensure that today marks a new way forward for our company.”

Mr. Calhoun said, “I strongly believe in the future of Boeing and the 737 MAX. I am honored to lead this great company and the 150,000 dedicated employees who are working hard to create the future of aviation.”

Boeing Appoints Golightly to Lead Communications https://infoaeroquebec.net/boeing-appoints-golightly-to-lead-communications/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 18:01:52 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29123 CHICAGO, Dec. 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) today named Niel Golightly as the company’s senior vice president of Communications, effective Jan. 1, 2020. He succeeds Anne Toulouse, who previously announced her plans to retire in early 2020.

Golightly, 61, will report to interim CEO Greg Smith initially, and then to President and CEO David Calhoun from Jan. 13 onward. Golightly will serve on the company’s executive council and be based in Chicago.

“Niel is a world-class communications professional with deep knowledge, expertise and relationships acquired over an accomplished career in both the private and public sectors,” said Smith. “Importantly, he shares our values of safety, quality and integrity, and as a former Navy fighter pilot, Niel brings a deep passion for aerospace and Boeing’s mission. We are excited to welcome Niel to the team as we work together to safely return the 737 MAX to service, restore trust with our key stakeholders around the globe, and continue to build our future.”  

Golightly joins Boeing from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), where since 2018 he served as global chief communications officer. In that role he was responsible for developing and implementing FCA’s overarching corporate communications strategy, overseeing media relations, leadership and employee communications, and working alongside the company’s CEO and leadership team.

Golightly has 25 years of communications and strategy experience, holding leadership roles with a number of large, global industrial companies including FCA, Royal Dutch Shell and Ford Motor Company. Prior to his corporate experience, Golightly served for 14 years in the U.S. Navy, including as a fighter pilot and as speechwriter to the Secretary of the Navy and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

He received a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Cornell University and later studied at the University of Konstanz in Germany as a Navy Olmsted Scholar.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As the top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Boeing employs more than 150,000 people worldwide and leverages the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

J. Michael Luttig to Retire from Boeing at Year End https://infoaeroquebec.net/j-michael-luttig-to-retire-from-boeing-at-year-end/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 17:58:47 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29121 CHICAGO, Dec. 26, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) announced today that J. Michael Luttig, 65, valued Counselor and Senior Advisor to the Boeing Board of Directors, has informed the Board of his long-considered retirement at year end.

Luttig, who served as Boeing’s General Counsel from 2006 until assuming his current responsibilities in May 2019, has been managing legal matters associated with the Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accidents, and advising the Board on strategic matters.

“Judge Luttig is one of the finest legal minds in the Nation and he has expertly and tirelessly guided our company as General Counsel, Counselor, and Senior Advisor,” said Interim Boeing President and CEO Greg Smith. “We are deeply indebted to Judge Luttig for his extraordinary service to Boeing over these nearly 14 years, especially through this past, challenging year for our company,” said Smith. “The Board and I will always be grateful for the Judge’s remarkable service to The Boeing Company – and I will personally always be grateful for his friendship.”

Luttig joined Boeing after serving 15 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Prior to his appointment to the Federal Bench, Luttig served as Assistant Attorney General and Counselor to the Attorney General of the United States. Luttig worked at The White House from 1981-82 under President Ronald Reagan. From 1982 to 1985, he served as a law clerk to then-Judge Antonin Scalia of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and thereafter as a law clerk and then as Special Assistant to the Chief Justice of the United States.

“It has been an honor to serve as Boeing’s General Counsel and as Counselor and Senior Advisor to the Boeing Board of Directors,” said Luttig. “I will be eternally grateful to The Boeing Company, to the Boeing Board of Directors, to CEOs Dennis Muilenburg and Jim McNerney, and to former Lead Director Ken Duberstein for the opportunity and the privilege to serve this great company and the extraordinary men and women who, together, are The Boeing Company. My respect and admiration for these very special men and women – whom I am proud to call my friends — and for The Boeing Company, is endless.”

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As the top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Boeing employs more than 150,000 people worldwide and leverages the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

Boeing Announces Fourth-Quarter Deliveries https://infoaeroquebec.net/boeing-announces-fourth-quarter-deliveries/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 17:55:33 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29119 CHICAGO, Jan. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] announced today deliveries across its commercial and defense operations for the fourth quarter of 2019.

Major program deliveries during the fourth quarter, including deliveries under operating lease (which are identified by parentheses) were as follows:

Major Programs4th Quarter 
Date 2019
Commercial Airplanes Programs
Defense, Space & Security Programs
AH-64 Apache (New)1037
AH-64 Apache (Remanufactured)1874
C-17 Globemaster III1
CH-47 Chinook (New)13
CH-47 Chinook (Renewed)622
F-15 Models411
F/A-18 Models723
KC-46 Tanker728
P-8 Models418
Commercial and Civil Satellites12
Military Satellites
Note: Delivery information is not considered final until quarterly financial results are issued.


David Calhoun prend ses fonctions de Président-directeur général de Boeing https://infoaeroquebec.net/david-calhoun-prend-ses-fonctions-de-president-directeur-general-de-boeing/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 17:47:52 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29117 CHICAGO/PARIS, le 14 janvier 2020 — David L. Calhoun a pris hier, le 13 janvier 2020, ses nouvelles fonctions de Président-directeur général de Boeing.

« Grâce à sa riche expérience industrielle et à son solide palmarès, Dave Calhoun est le leader idéal pour prendre les rênes de Boeing au cours de cette période difficile en 104 ans d’histoire », a déclaré Lawrence W. Kellner, président du conseil d’administration de Boeing. « Nous sommes convaincus que Dave aidera Boeing à progresser en accordant une attention sans faille à nos valeurs, à savoir la sécurité, la qualité et l’intégrité. »

« Nous tenons par ailleurs à remercier Greg Smith pour son leadership en tant que directeur général par intérim. Nous nous félicitons que Boeing puisse à nouveau bénéficier de ses compétences aux postes de directeur financier et de vice-président exécutif en charge de la stratégie et des performances d’entreprise de Boeing », a conclu M. Kellner.

Âgé de 62 ans, David Calhoun a occupé plusieurs postes de direction au sein de grandes entreprises, telles que Blackstone Group, Nielsen Holdings et GE. Au cours des 26 années passées chez GE, David Calhoun a dirigé plusieurs entités commerciales, parmi lesquelles GE Transportation et GE Aircraft Engines, où la sécurité occupait une place primordiale. David siège depuis 2009 au conseil d’administration de Boeing, dont il a occupé la présidence du 11 octobre au 22 décembre 2019. 

« C’est un grand honneur d’être à la tête de la talentueuse équipe de Boeing à un moment où nous devons relever différents défis. Ensemble, nous allons renforcer notre culture de la sécurité, améliorer la transparence et restaurer la confiance avec nos clients, les autorités de réglementation, nos fournisseurs et les usagers du transport aérien », a déclaré David Calhoun, Président-directeur général de Boeing. « Grâce à la force de notre équipe, j’ai confiance en l’avenir de Boeing, y compris du 737 MAX. »

David Calhoun a immédiatement fait part de ses priorités pour l’année 2020 à l’ensemble des salariés de Boeing. Pour consulter son message, veuillez cliquer ici.

À propos de Boeing

Boeing est le premier groupe mondial d’aéronautique et l’un des premiers constructeurs d’avions commerciaux, de systèmes de défense, de sécurité et spatiaux, ainsi que de services globaux. Exportateur américain de premier plan, Boeing compte parmi ses clients des entreprises civiles et des gouvernements dans plus de 150 pays. Boeing emploie plus de 150 000 personnes dans le monde entier et s’appuie sur les compétences d’un réseau international de fournisseurs. Capitalisant sur son leadership historique dans le secteur aéronautique et spatial, Boeing continue de se positionner à la pointe de la technologie et de l’innovation, de répondre aux attentes de ses clients et d’investir au bénéfice de ses équipes et de sa croissance future.

Boeing Responds to Germany’s Heavy Lift Helicopter Invitation to Tender https://infoaeroquebec.net/boeing-responds-to-germanys-heavy-lift-helicopter-invitation-to-tender/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 17:43:15 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29115 BERLIN, Germany, 14 January 2019 – Boeing [NYSA: BA] has submitted its response to the STH invitation to tender for Germany’s New Heavy Lift Helicopter program, also known as Schwerer Transporthubschrauber (STH). The response was submitted yesterday, 13 January.

The STH invitation to tender was issued on 24 June 2019 by the German procurement authority, specifically, the Federal Office of Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw). A contract award is expected in 2021 for the acquisition of 44 to 60 aircraft, including sustainment and training.

“We’re pleased to have submitted our response and look forward to working with the BAAINBw and German industry to bring the best value proposition to the German Bundeswehr,” said Michael Hostetter, vice president of Boeing Defense, Space & Security in Germany. “The H-47 Chinook is a one of a kind platform capable of performing missions that other helicopters cannot. It is a proven multi-mission heavy lift helicopter with advanced technology that meets the German requirements.”

Today, there are more than 950 Chinook aircraft operating in 20 countries, including eight NATO member countries (the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Spain, Turkey, UK, Canada, and the United States). The Chinook will provide immediate interoperability to Germany while meeting a wide range of mission needs. As the world’s most proven heavy lift helicopter, the Chinook has a track record of on-time delivery and first time quality, with the lowest operating and acquisition costs and a technology roadmap that will keep it relevant for decades to come.

“We are committed to having the sustainment and training as well as parts of the production done in Germany,” said Dr. Michael Haidinger, president of Boeing Germany. “We will continue to build on and expand our Germany Industry Team for the H-47 Chinook Schwerer Transporthubschrauber competition. In addition, we are committed to bringing high end engineering and production opportunities from across the Boeing enterprise to German industry.”

Boeing in Germany

Boeing is a strong contributor to the German economy. The company employs more than 1,000 people at 11 locations throughout Germany and sustains thousands of additional jobs through its supply chain and other activities. Boeing and its supply chain partners spend almost $1.3 billion per year through an established network of suppliers across Germany. Boeing also works with many more sub-tier and German-owned suppliers worldwide. Germany is a key market for Boeing’s investment in research and technology partnerships. Boeing has established two research sites in Germany – a Research & Technology Office in Munich and Digital Solutions & Analytics Lab in Frankfurt – and invests in a growing portfolio of research and technology projects with German industry, universities and research organizations. For more information, visit boeing.de/chinook and boeing.com, or follow @BoeingDefense and @BoeingDACH on Twitter.


Boeing CEO Statement on US-China Trade Deal https://infoaeroquebec.net/boeing-ceo-statement-on-us-china-trade-deal/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 17:38:14 +0000 http://infoaeroquebec.net/?p=29113 CHICAGO, Jan. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Boeing (NYSE: BA) President and CEO Dave Calhoun issued the following statement regarding the announcement today of a US-China trade deal:

Boeing has a long-standing partnership with China that spans nearly 50 years. We’re proud that Boeing airplanes will continue to be a part of this valued relationship, one that has fueled aerospace innovation and sustained manufacturing jobs.

Boeing applauds Presidents Trump and Xi as well as Vice Premier Liu, Secretary Mnuchin and Ambassador Lighthizer for their leadership in building a fair and mutually-beneficial trading relationship between the United States and China.

Source: Boeing
