#ARSVF #C295 @AirbusDefence OTTAWA, le 3 déc. 2018 /CNW/ - Airbus est en bonne voie pour respecter ses engagements à fournir à l'industrie canadienne la quantité requise de travail de haute qualité en lien avec l..
Haifa, Israel, December 3, 2018 – Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ:ESLT and TASE: ESLT)("Elbit Systems") announced today that it was awarded a $112 million contract to supply a country in Asia-Pacific with advanced airborne intelligence systems. The cont..
Lockheed Martin Australia welcomes F-35 to its new home RAAF BASE WILLIAMTOWN and NEWCASTLE, Australia, Dec. 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Australia's first two locally-based F-35 fighter aircraft arrived on home soil today at Royal Australian Air Force..
On 26 November, Saab completed the successful first flight of the second Gripen E test aircraft. The second Gripen E test aircraft, designated 39-9, took off on its maiden flight at 09.50 am on 26 November 2018. The test flight was o..
Agreement on Joint Aerospace Activities in Israel and Internationally, Amounting to Billions of Shekel November 28, 2018- Boeing and Israel Aerospace Industries last week signed a strategic agreement setting out principles of cooperation between t..