Aviation générale

New Cessna Skyhawk order to expand Civil Air Patrol fleet.

février 02, 2015

News Release Media Contacts: Lindsay Adrian +1.316.517.1616 ladrian@txtav.com textronaviation.com   WICHITA, Kan., February 2, 2015 – Cessna Aircraft Company, a subsidiary of Textron Aviation Inc., a Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) compan..

Elbit Systems Awarded Approximately $100 Million Contract to Purchase New Firefighting Aircraft and Operate Firefighting Squadron.

janvier 06, 2015

  Haifa, Israel, January 5, 2015 - Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ and TASE: ESLT) (“Elbit Systems”) announced today that it was awarded an approximately $100 million contract from the Israeli Ministry of Defense (IMOD) to procure six new firefigh..

Commission d’examen sur la fiscalité québécoise – Rétablir les conditions propices au maintien et au renforcement de la place du Québec parmi les leaders mondiaux de l’aérospatiale

octobre 22, 2014

MONTRÉAL, le 22 oct. 2014 /CNW Telbec/ - Aéro Montréal, la grappe aérospatiale du Québec, a présenté aujourd'hui son mémoire à la Commission d'examen sur la fiscalité québécoise du gouvernement du Québec. Aéro Montréal recommande au..

Enstrom Delivers First 480B-G.

octobre 09, 2014

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Menominee, Michigan; October 6, 2014—Enstrom Helicopter Corporation celebrated delivery of the first model 480B-G to Rick Boswell of New Hampshire today. The 480B-G is equipped with the Garmin G10..

test title

juillet 16, 2014


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