The International Astronautical Federation – IAF is pleased to announce that the registration for the upcoming Global Conference on Space for Emerging Countries – GLEC 2019 to be held from 24 – 26 April 2019 in Marrakech, Morocco is now open.
Members of the press are invited to save the date, and registerto ensure that they receive accreditation. Please send confirmation of your registration to media@iafastro.orgso that we can ensure that you are properly accredited.
GLEC 2019 is co-organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and the Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale (CRTS), with the support of the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES).
First Conference of its kind, #GLEC2019 aims at actively engaging emerging countries in the space scenebyhighlightingthesocio-economicbenefitsofspaceapplications;byunderstandingthevarious financial models for the optimal resourcing of national space programs; by identifying opportunities for technology and skills transfer; by creating awareness about the base infrastructure requirements needed for operationalising national space programs and by creating awareness on the essential legislative and policy elements that must be considered in establishing the foundation for national space programs.
The Conference programme is designed to bring together the international community, including senior representatives of the major space agencies, industry, governments, policy makers, academia and NGOs. These leaders in the field will converge in Marrakech to present results, exchange ideas, debate roadmaps, and discuss the future opportunities provided by space activities to emerging nations.
Thecomprehensiveprogrammewillincludehigh-levelkeynotesandroundtablesfocusingonbenefits of space technology and applications to socio-economic development, financial models and resourcing, technology and skills development, base infrastructure requirements, space industry development and support, and legal andpolicy.
Daphné Savard occupe le poste d’administratrice du site ou webmestre ainsi que celui de responsable des relations avec les annonceurs et les lecteurs.